Monday, February 20, 2012

Passes out on mardi grad Sunday. So much fun!

Frisbee with daddy

Love this kid!!

Our sweet babies!

Poor guy couldnt stay awake

Douglas after surgery in recovery.

Post meds. A little wobbly and definitely not shy.

D pre meds. A little shy and nervous

Daddy discussing with Douglas what's about to happen

Surgery time

Silly suckers!

Making Valentines

Tonsils and adenoids

Douglas waits in the chair at dr gaudet's office to determine of he'll have his tonsils and adenoids removed.

Mess again!

Holding gammie's new puppy

Hiding out at the doctors office

Passed out !

Another puzzle d made all by himself

Happy birthday Dawson

Little mardi Gras mambo

Brotherly love

Pretending to be paw paw aj

New years eve at gammie's

Bing cherry! Yum!

Zoo time in December

Orange smiles

Purple cotton candy. Yeah!

Christmas at gammie and poppies

Reece's birthday party

It's been a Long time since we updated.... Catching up!

Saturday, February 18, 2012